Saturday, April 16, 2011

BESARNYA makna DOA YANG KITA LUPAKAN - semasa duduk antara dua sujud

BESARNYA makna DOA YANG KITA LUPAKAN - semasa duduk antara dua sujud
Dalam tidak sedar, setiap hari kita memohon dalam solat kita tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya memohon tanpa memahami. Sekadar tersebut di bibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh dari hati kita selama ini.

Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa solat. Dengan rendah hati, nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah; Robbiegfirli (Tuhanku, ampuni aku). Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima keampunan dari Allah.
Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima keampunan Allah. Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan, kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua, Warhamni (sayangi aku). Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak terhitung besarnya.
Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah yang kita terima. Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup. Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan-permintaan berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu persatu..

Wajburnii (tutuplah aib-aibku)
Warfa'nii (angkatlah darjatku)
Warzuqnii (berilah aku rezeki)
Wahdinii (berilah aku petunjuk)
Wa'Aafinii (sihatkan aku)
Wa'fuannii (maafkan aku)
Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita betapa besarnya nilai doa ini, sebuah doa yang kita hanya remehkan begitu sahaja.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Di mana lubuk rezeki ku?

(Bagaimana hendak mencari rezeki, yang lebih utama, bagaimana hendak mendapatkan lubuk rezeki)

Seringkali dilihat orang yang ‘street smart’ lebih berjaya dalam kehidupan daripada orang yang ‘book smart’. Kenapa? Kadang kadang orang yang ‘book smart’ tak kental jiwa – tak cukup modal spiritual, tak tahu nak cari di mana lubuk rezeki.

Contohnya, ada seorang hamba Allah hanya kerja 2 hari seminggu tetapi mendapat gaji 50 ribu ringgit sebulan. Apa rahsianya?

Setiap hamba Allah pasti ada kemahiran. Kemahiran ini lah lubuk rezeki.

Masalahnya hari ini kita hendak jadi seperti orang lain. Jadilah diri kita sendiri. Carilah apa kemahiran yang Allah titipkan untuk kita di dunia ini. Pernah kah kita bertanya kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa, Yang Maha Merancang dan Yang Maha Memberi Rezeki?

Yang perlu kita buat tanya lah kepada Allah. Formula yang boleh kita ambil, sentiasa rujuk kepada Allah. Buat solat hajat, minta pada Allah baik-baik. “Ya Allah apakah kemahiran yang dititipkan untuk ku supaya aku dapat hidup di dunia ini, supaya aku dapat rezeki, supaya aku jadi kaya dan akan jadi orang yang lebih kaya (fizikal & spiritual).”

Allah Maha Adil. Apabila kita sudah mengetahui kemahiran masing-masing, sama ada memasak, menjahit, dan sebagainya, maka hidup dan bekerja lah mengikut fitrah, mengikut kemahiran kita sendiri. Jangan kita keluh atas kesusahan.

Marilah masuk kepada program Allah. Tekad baru kita, mulai pada hari ini saya akan munajat kepada Allah. Insya Allah berjaya dunia dan akhirat.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Beware of “property bubble”

Azizi Ali, Captain of His Domain
by Sherry Koh

Azizi Ali, 48, is as versatile as it gets. A pilot, publisher, property investor and coach, author, qualified financial planner – or to put it succinctly an all-round entrepreneur. A voracious reader (he reads three books in a week!), unsurprisingly Azizi credits his success to his healthy appetite for knowledge. He quips, “The more books on money matters that you read, the wealthier you will be. This is not just a tagline. It is the truth. I wish somebody had told me that 30 years ago!”

Most of us would’ve heard of Confucius’s quote, Choose a job you love and you will never have to work for a day in your life. Azizi is a fine example of “living” that advise. His five-figure income is derived from his passion. As he puts it, he does not have to work but finds no reason to retire from doing what he loves. He says, “I only do things I like in my life. I like to fly. I like to write. I like to speak. I like business.” chats with the high-flying Azizi about his passion for money matters, his successes and a music business that cost him RM100,000.

Tell us about yourself. How did you start in property investment?

When I started my career, despite being hardworking, I only made little money. I did not have any financial knowledge and was broke most of the time. This went on for about four years. At that time, I was about 20 or 21 years old. I started my career very young. I am a pilot by profession.

Are you still a pilot today?

Yes. After a while, I wondered if I will be living hand-to-mouth until retirement. I wondered what was wrong with me. Even my colleagues then, even if they were older and married, and making the same amount as me, they were doing okay but I was broke. So something is wrong. I realised what was wrong was my knowledge of financial matters, which was practically non-existent. So I started educating myself on financial matters. The intention was not to become a millionaire, but so that I would not be broke again. This was in 1985, where there were not as many books on money matters. So to educate myself, I did what most people would do. I asked people who I thought were experts at the time. They gave advice but they were not the real experts. Though their advice was not all wrong, but it was incomplete.

As I educated myself, I began to have some money. I wasn’t broke anymore, which was great. I read more books and asked more people. But after a while, I realised that some of the advice given was opposite of what the books said. After a while, I leaned more on books. I was repeating the formula of reading more books and I knew it was working and have enough money for investments. So that’s why I tell people today, the more books on money matters you read, the wealthier you will be. This is not just a tagline. It is the truth. I wish somebody had told me that 30 years ago. I would be a lot richer.

The reality is that much of the information out there is biased. For example, insurance. Who do you ask information from? Probably insurance agents. That’s why the information is biased. So people don’t make as good a decision as it could be. That’s why you have to get different points of view.

I started investing when I was about 25 or 26 years old. Like most people, the first place was stock market. I started reading books on stocks which helped a little. Like most people, I made a little money, and lost a little money. I did a lot of work. Most people rely on tips. All in all, I suppose that I did not make money from the stock market. After a while, I started investing in properties, and then business.

My first business was a music shop, selling cassettes and CDs, in 1990. In my eagerness to become an entrepreneur, I did research, but too little. In the end, after three or four years I lost over RM100,000. Now I can laugh about it. At that time, it wasn’t funny (laughs).

Why did your music business fail to take off?

Actually, if I had done proper research, I would not open the shop. I was blinded by the light of business, and was so eager that I jumped into it. There were a lot of things that I didn’t know about before I started. The margins were very low, less than 30% − which means that I had to sell a lot to pay the rent. Plus, cassettes are so small and hence, easily stolen.

What did you do after that?

The good thing is that even though the business did not work, my personal finance was better.

You were doing other things at the same time?

Yes, just like now. Although my name is synonymous with property, it is just a small part of my business. We have to put the money from business somewhere. One of it is properties. It is very good but it’s not the only game in town. At the same time, my main business is still business. Property is just a small part. See, a couple of years ago, I bought a house for RM800,000. When it was completed, I sold it for RM1.1 million. So the profit was RM300,000 and at that time, RPGT (real property gains tax) was still at 30%. All in all, my profit was RM200,000 after two years. I suppose that’s not too bad. But in business, I can make RM200,000 per month. So where should I be concentrating on? It’s a no-brainer.

How old were you then?

I started my publishing business when I was about 37 or 38 years old.

When did you start investing in properties?

I bought a house for own stay in 1987. Property investment for rentals started in 1995.

What was your first investment?

Condominium, which I rented out. At that time, my formula is for rental. I have sold most of it.

What’s your property portfolio now?

Not a lot. I sold most of it in 2010. The net worth is maybe six million.

Why did you sell most of your properties? Is it because of the “property bubble”?

Yes. I was reading a few books that explained about the US crash. Some reasons was the low interest rate, user-friendly mortgage, questionable borrowers and current owners refinancing. I shuddered when I read it. It is exactly like in Malaysia. That’s why I wrote the article, “The US property crash, could it happen here?” For most current owners, even if their house is almost paid off, they refinance to get the money to invest in other properties because property prices have increased.

What if these owners refinance to invest because they don’t have enough cash?

In that case, they could refinance but they have to be careful with the loan’s terms.

Do elaborate on “loan terms”.

This is how it should be. If the environment is of low interest rate with rising property prices, then take as much loan as you can. This is because you can multiply your net worth very fast, assuming that you can pay every month. That formula of taking as much loan as you can and buying as many as you can was correct one or two years ago. The environment has changed and will continue to do so. Interest rates have increased. There’s the LTV (loan-to-value) ratio of 70% for third property onwards. There are more things to come, some of which you and I have never seen or faced before.

Anybody with monster mortgages will be in serious pain. So back to your question of “If you have almost paid off but do not have the capital to buy other properties, should he/she refinance?”. The answer is yes, but don’t take too much and more importantly cap the interest rate. Don’t use the current fluctuating rate, based on BLR (base lending rate). It won’t be low forever. Just to share, I have one RM1.5 million loan. The rise of 75 basis points in 2010 has caused my payments to rise by RM500. This is only 75 basis points. Can you imagine if the interest rates rise by 2 or 3%? I also will feel the pain.

Do you go for residential or commercial properties?

For me, it has been residential all the while − both condos and landed. I know that the big money is in commercial properties – higher rentals and capital gains. You need to have some knowledge of the commercial market because if you choose incorrectly, it could be empty for years. So you must really do your homework. But where there is danger, there are also opportunities. Now, I am looking at below market value properties. There are a lot of options now.

When did you start investing in auction properties?

Before that, I was buying from developers. Now, my staff cuts and highlights the interesting auction properties. I can’t take them all. The quantity has increased significantly.

Are these auction properties in good areas?

Having said that, 95% are not interesting to me. But lately, the quality in good areas has also increased. In fact, I don’t even do this full time. I only spend 10 minutes every morning to look at it and go for the interesting ones. I share some with my clients.

Do you concentrate in certain residential areas?

I go for PJ. It saves me a lot of work because I am familiar with the area, the supply and demand, and the prices.

Do you do no-money-down strategies?

Yes, the whole concept is find one below market.

Are no-money-down strategies very difficult to apply with the LTV ratio of 70%?

Yes, it is hard, but it can be done. I think the LTV of 70% is good for most people. Otherwise, they might end up taking too much loans, which they can afford now but as situation changes, they might not be able to afford it. So this might save their life.

What are the common myths about auction properties?

Despite the quantity of auction properties, I would say that 90% are not appropriate for investors. One, incorrect locations. Two, nature of auctions – the first auction might be market value, therefore it is not appropriate.

For auctions, you must do homework. Actually, in all investments you must do your homework. Whenever there are opportunities to make lots of money, it also comes with opportunities to lose a lot of money, like gold. The price of gold is rising. I put much of my money into gold in the last couple of years, which I am happy about. At the same time, gold is also full of traps. If you buy the incorrect form of gold, you may not benefit even if the price is rising.

What do you mean by “incorrect form of gold”?

Jewellery. Is it gold? Yes it is. When you buy from shops, you pay more to cover for the workmanship and profit. In that case, you already overpay, already in the negative. When you sell back to the shop, you cannot sell at the same price you bought. At best, they will buy it back at market value. They will usually buy at market value, minus 25%. That’s two negatives. Three, you can only sell back to the same shop you buy from. Fourth, if you do not have the receipt, they won’t take it back and most people don’t know where they kept the receipt. Fifth, when you go back to the shop, you cannot get cash, but instead you can trade it in for another piece of jewellery. So, five negatives. From an investment point of view, it is useless. So despite the rising price of gold, you may not benefit from it. That’s one of the traps. To know more, you can read my book – Get Into Gold.

Do you conduct a lot of seminars?

About one in every three months.

What are your seminars about?

All about money − property investments, investing in gold and information marketing.

Are they one-day seminars?

Yes, one day. I will cover the critical success factors for property investments. There are a lot of things to talk about properties. What you want to know is the critical success factors. One of them is buying below market value. Then you have to know the three elements of property investment which is physical, financial, and legal rights and obligations.

Financing is extremely important. Most landlords don’t make money from investments. So I share on how they can reduce these risks significantly. I share on how to reduce work, automate processes and system of doing this. An average investor takes loans that amount to a few hundred thousand, so they cannot afford to get it wrong. What more if the loans are in the millions. I am not only a businessman. I am also a qualified financial planner. So I look from both sides. I feel concerned for my fellow Malaysians when they lose their houses. When they search for mortgages, they only look at one thing, the lowest interest rate at that point in time.

What I do now is the personal coaching programme.

What are the terms and conditions that borrowers should take note of?

Flexibility of loan.

Are you referring to types of loans?

No, beyond that. The actual terms and conditions of the individual loan. For example, most banks have a lock-in period. That’s fine, but on top of that, some loans don’t allow you to pay extra. For some, you can pay more, but the extra payment doesn’t reduce the principal amount, which defeats the purpose. Some of them allow you to pay extra, but it must be in multiples of RM1,000, for example. I am not saying that interest rate is not important. But that’s just one of the criteria.

Tell us about the personal coaching programme?

After they sign up and meet me personally, we have one tele-seminar (seminar via telephone) for one hour per month. I will talk about specific subjects, for example, auction, estate planning, investing in gold, and so on. It is a conference call where all members will call in and listen. From time to time, I will also invite industry experts to talk. It is just like a seminar but through the phone. We also have a 20 minutes tele-coaching every month, which means that members are in touch with me on a regular basis.

This is my inner circle coaching programme.

They also get a free book every month and every four months, we have a mastermind meeting, where the whole group comes together and meet here (Azizi Ali?s office in Kelana Jaya). I do not only teach people on how to be rich. I teach people how to get rich, how to live rich, how to stay rich and how to die rich.

Most of the information that I share, I am doing it myself. So I know that it brings results. For example, investing in gold, I did the research and then I share. It is not just theory.

How many books have you written?

More than 30. They are all about money. Four on property investment – How to become property millionaire, How to become millionaire landlord, Winning at property auctions and How to pay off your house loan within five years. I also publish books by other authors. There’s one about 40 questions you want to ask your lawyer about property investment, another about Millionaire real estate guide for beginners and also one about property auction.

When do you plan to launch your next book?

No target date yet. It never ends because the moment I finish one book, I start on another (laughs). Some people play golf. Some fish. Some scuba dive. I write. I am happy doing it. I can do it for days on end. It’s not work for me. We are always on the lookout for authors. It doesn’t have to be about money. I publish books on health, parenting, cats, and so on.

Any additional advice to share with our readers?

Read as many books as you can about money matters. You will lead richer and happier life. You need to learn and read because the world is constantly changing. Many of people are innocent and they don’t know what hit them.

Petikan daripada sumber Azizi Ali 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tukarkan Ilmu Kepada Duit-Pendedahan Senjata Ampuh Bergelar Seorang Yang Kaya

1. Pelik betul. Macam mana pulak ilmu boleh kita tukar jadi duit? Heran betul…hehhehe… Sebenarnya yang saya maksudkan ialah guna segala ilmu yang ada untuk menjana pendapatan yang lumayan. Gunakan ilmu itu sehingga anda menjadi pakar.

2. Kebanyakan kita suka mengumpul duit dahulu sebelum mencari ilmu. Pada pendapat saya itu tidak betul kerana dengan ilmu kita boleh gunakan ilmu itu untuk menggandakan duit kita. Kalau duit kita banyak sekalipun, tanpa ilmu pengurusan kewangan yang betul, duit kita akan mudah lesap juga. Dengan ilmu kita boleh tukarkan RM 10. 00 kepada RM 100.00.

3. Saya ingin dedahkan kepada anda bahawa ilmu untuk menjadi jutawan tidak diajar di sekolah atau di mana-mana saja. A pa yang diajar di sekolah hanya untuk kita lulus peperiksaan dengan cemerlang dan seterusnya mendapat pekerjaan yang kita idam-idamkan.

4. Apa yang perlu kita lakukan ialah, MEMBACA. Membaca adalah jabatan ilmu. Kita perlu banyak membaca tentang keusahawan, perniagaan, motivasi dan kewangan. Perkara ini akan meningkatkan ilmu kita dari semasa ke semasa. Dalam agama Islam pun digalakkan membaca kerana membaca mampu mengubah kehidupan kita.

5. Jika anda ingin bergelar jutawan, anda harus wujudkan minda seorang jutawan dalam diri anda. Cara anda bertindak dan berfikir seperti seorang jutawan.A pa yang anda fikirkan dan apa yang anda lakukan, itu di panggil kehidupan. Bila kehidupan kita sudah menujukkan cara hidup seorang kaya atau jutawan, maka mudahlah kita kekayaan itu untuk di capai.

6. Secara peribadinya, kehidupan seorang yang kaya tidaklah mempunyai kereta mewah, rumah besar atau suka membazir. Kehidupan seorang yang kaya ialah kehidupan yang sederhana, berdisiplin dan bermatlamat dan tahu menguruskan kewangan dengan betul supaya tidak berbelanja melampui batas.

7. Sudah lumrah manusia iaitu mudah leka dan lupa. Maka semaikanlah minat mencari ilmu dan membaca kerana itu adalah salah satu senjata ampuh untuk bergelar seorang yang kaya.


Ruang Iklan

Dapatkan segera pendedahan terhebat teknik Google Adwords sekiranya anda berminat menjana pendapatan lumayan melalui perniagaan internet!

Aliran Trafik, Pemasaran, Perniagaan, Perniagaan Internet, Produk, Usahawan Internet, Wang none Read more
January 27, 2011 Muhamad Nornizam No comments
Ruang Iklan

Dapatkan segera pendedahan terhebat teknik Google Adwords sekiranya anda berminat menjana pendapatan lumayan melalui perniagaan internet!!!!!!!!!


1. Saya teringatkan kisah saya melepak kat kedai minum tempoh hari. Ada 2-3 orang pelanggan cukup gah bercerita pasal usahawan. Memang bising jugak kedai tu dibuatnya. Yelahkan usahawan jumpa usahawan. Maybe banyak perbincangan kot. Tu saja yang pikir. Takda pa yang saya pikirkan.

2. Tiba-tiba saya tergerak hati melayari internet dan jumpa dengan 1 artikel tentang usahawan. Saya rasa ianya banyak memberi manfaat kepada kita.

3. Dari pembacaan saya, rupa-rupanya usahawan ini ialah individu yang mencipta sesuatu perniagaan baru yang mempunyai risiko dan bertujuan untuk mendapat keuntungan dan membesarkan empayar pernigaan dengan mencari peluang-peluang baru dengan menggunakan segala resource yang ada di sekelilingnya.

4. Memang saya akui bergelar seorang usahawan bukan sesuatu yang mudah namun tak mustahil. Cuma ia menuntut kesabaran dan pengorbanan yang tinggi serta sokongan dari orang sekelilingnya.

5. Antara ciri-ciri seorang usahawan ialah :

a. Bersedia untuk bertanggungjawab

b. Berani menghadapi risiko

c. Yakin untuk berjaya

d. Desire for feedback

e. High level energy

f. Future orientation

g. Kemahiran pengurusan

h. Mementingkan pencapaian daripada duit

i. Fleksible

j. Berkomitmen tinggi

6 Sebenarnya sesapa pun boleh jadi seorang usahawan. Tak kira lah lelaki atau perempuan, tak kira warna kulit, keturunan dan umur. Yang paling penting, ada minat yang mendalam terhadap keusahawanan sudah cukup untuk bergelar usahawan.

7. Saya sendiri akui menjadi seorang usahawan memang mempunyai kelebihan. Antara kelebihannya ialah

a. Bebas menentukan destiny hidup kita sendiri.

b. Kita dapat melakukan kelainan dari orang lain.

c. Mampu menggunakan seluruh potensi diri yang ada.

d. Berpeluang menjana profit yang maksima mengikut usaha kita sendiri.

e. Menyumbang kepada masyarakat.

f. Sentiasa gembira dengan apa yang kita lakukan.

Begitulah seronoknya menjadi seorang uasahawan.

8. Walaubagaimanapun, menjadi seorang usahawan pun banyak kekurangan. Antara kekurangan yang boleh saya kongsikan dengan anda ialah:

a. Income yang tidak stabil

b. Berisiko kehilangan semua pelaburan yang dilaburkan.

c. Quality hidup yang rendah pada permulaan.

d. Stress yang agak tinggi (aku selalu stress bila sibuk)

e. Bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya jika ada apa-apa terjadi.

f. Discouragement (Kurang sokongan dari rakan, keluarga dan saudara mara)

9. Sekiranya anda berniat menjadi seorang usahawan, saya

Petikan dari :

Friday, February 25, 2011

My last day @ ACS - 1 Mac 2011

Prepare for Worst-Case Scenario
Milan Doshi narrates an urban cautionary tale for our times
Posted Date: Feb 09, 2011
By: Milan Doshi

Prepare for Worst-Case Scenario

Milan Doshi narrates an urban cautionary tale for our times

When working out their financial goals for the future, I noticed that many people make the grave mistake of Hoping for the Best and they are totally Unprepared for the Worst.

Many people automatically presume that they will be working for the same company for many more years or their existing businesses will continue to flourish in the future. Due to globalization and the internet, the world today has become a lot more inter-connected as well as volatile. Product cum technology life-spans and economic cycles are becoming much shorter. This ultimately results in companies as well as career or job life-spans being reduced as well. The number of years you spent building up your career skill set can easily get outdated if you don’t make it a point to continuously invest in upgrading yourself.

Bob’s Story

Let me share the story of a friend of mine, Bob, aged 45 years, who was the Senior Vice President of the subsidiary of a local public listed company. Bob had worked for the same company for over 15 years and he was expecting to continue working for the same company till he retires at the age 55. Bob was earning more than RM15,000 per month and had settled into his comfort zone. When setting his financial goals, he made the grave mistake of assuming that he would be working for the same company, be entitled to a company car and travel allowances, and enjoying a certain salary increment every year as well as being entitled to purchase his parent company’s shares at a attractive discount every year. He didn’t realize it but he was making the grave mistake of Hoping for the Best and he was ill prepared for any worst-case scenarios.

About two years ago, Bob’s subsidiary was sold off to a Singapore listed company. In Mergers and Acquisitions, it’s common for the company taking over to start putting their own systems and people into the senior and middle management levels. This can only be achieved by letting go of the current senior staff as it’s harder to teach “an old dog new tricks” and much easier to hire a new dog instead. Guess who needed to start looking for another job? It was poor Bob!

Bob was extremely lucky to receive an attractive severance package of 12 months salary. Being in his mid forties, he had tremendous problems looking for another job that offered the same salary and benefits package as his previous company. Eventually after 6 long anguished months, he had no choice but to take up a job that only paid half his last drawn paycheck with no added benefits. Suddenly, Bob’s future financial plans were thrown into disarray. His two teenagers had to forgo their dreams and plans to further their education overseas. They had to make do by studying at local universities.

Assume the Reverse

One of the things that I strongly emphasize during my financial consultations with many people is to assume the reverse i.e. Always Be Financially Prepared for the Worst and then Hope for the Best that any potential worst-case scenario never happens.

My suggestion is to challenge yourself and assume that in the next 2-3 years, either your or your spouse’s earned income will be zero. Assume worst-case scenarios such as your skills have become outdated, your company has closed down, you encounter ill health and can’t work anymore, your business becomes too competitive, there is a global recession, etc.

If ever such an event were to happen in the future, what do you need to do today especially with regards to Money Management and Investments? If you are prepared and something unfortunate does happen, you would be able to sail through the bad times much more easily compared to many people who are caught unprepared.

Some of the ways of being prepared are:

1. Continuously invest in your career and/or business skill set so that they don’t get outdated.

2. Keep Networking both within and out of your industry. It’s a known fact that Who You Know is a lot More Important than What You Know. Meeting the right person at the right point in your life can totally change things around.

3. Never stay with the same department or company for more than 5 years as you will get complacent and fall into your comfort zone. Make it a career goal to move every 5 years. With each move, you will force yourself to get used to new ways of doing things and working with new people.

4. Gradually build up a second source of earned or business income in your spare time. It could be a part-time business, internet marketing or being an agent for insurance, unit trust or real estate. In a worst case scenario like the case of Bob, your second income source can be easily developed into your primary income source.

5. Besides a second income source, try developing multi streams of income from different sources. It’s extremely important to focus and do one thing at a time. Once a new stream is on auto-pilot, move on to the next one.

6. If you are doing well, simplify your lifestyle, save money and invest the surpluses wisely to generate passive income. One of the best, stable and predictable sources of passive income is Rental Income. This will entail taking some investment risks which many people are afraid of. As long as you buy in good locations with high occupancy rates that are easy to rent out (<>

By being mentally, emotionally and financially prepared in advance for any worst- case scenarios, you will be able to face them confidently if they ever do come up compared with people who are often caught with their pants down. All you need to do then is hope and pray it never happens.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Petua tambah rezeki

Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya. Berdasarkan konsep rezeki yang telah diperkatakan, Allah memberi jalan buat setiap hamba-Nya untuk memperolehi rezeki dalam pelbagai bentuk yang boleh menjadi punca kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Di antaranya:

1. Menyempatkan diri beribadah
Allah tidak sia-siakan pengabdian diri hamba-Nya, seperti firman-Nya dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, sempatkanlah untuk menyembah-Ku maka Aku akan membuat hatimu kaya dan menutup kefakiranmu. Jika tidak melakukannya maka Aku akan penuhi tanganmu dengan kesibukan dan Aku tidak menutup kefakiranmu.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah r.a.)

2. Memperbanyak istighfar
Istighfar adalah rintihan dan pengakuan dosa seorang hamba di depan Allah , yang menjadi sebab Allah jatuh kasih dan kasihan pada hamba-Nya lalu Dia berkenan melapangkan jiwa dan kehidupan si hamba.
Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Barang siapa memperbanyak istighfar maka Allah s.w.t akan
menghapuskan segala kedukaannya, menyelesaikan segala masalahnya dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka.” (Riwayat Ahmad,Abu Daud, an-Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abdullah bin Abbas r.a.)

3.Tinggalkan perbuatan dosa
Istighfar tidak laku di sisi Allah jika masih buat dosa. Dosa bukan saja membuat hati resah malah menutup pintu rezeki. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“… dan seorang lelaki akan diharamkan baginya rezeki kerana dosa yang dibuatnya.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi)

4.Sentiasa ingat Allah
Banyak ingat Allah buatkan hati tenang dan kehidupan terasa lapang. Ini rezeki yang hanya Allah beri kepada orang beriman. Firman-Nya:
“(iaitu) orang-orang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah . Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram.” (Ar-Ra’d: 28)

5.Berbakti dan mendoakan ibu bapa
Dalam hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah s.a.w. berpesan agar siapa yang ingin panjang umur dan ditambahi rezekinya, hendaklah berbakti kepada ibu bapanya dan menyambung tali kekeluargaan. Baginda s.a.w. juga bersabda:
“Siapa berbakti kepada ibu bapanya maka kebahagiaanlah buatnya dan Allah akan memanjangkan umurnya.” (Riwayat Abu Ya’ala, at-Tabrani,al-Asybahani dan al-Hakim)
Mendoakan ibu bapa juga menjadi sebab mengalirnya rezeki,
berdasarkan sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Apabila hamba itu meninggalkan berdoa kepada kedua orang tuanya nescaya terputuslah rezeki (Allah ) daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan ad-Dailami)

6.Berbuat baik dan menolong orang yang lemah
Berbuat baik kepada orang yang lemah ini termasuklah menggembirakan dan meraikan orang tua, orang sakit, anak yatim dan fakir miskin,juga isteri dan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Tidaklah kamu diberi pertolongan dan diberi rezeki melainkan kerana orang-orang lemah di kalangan kamu.” (Riwayat Bukhari)

7.Tunaikan hajat orang lain
Menunaikan hajat orang menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan rezeki dalam bentuk tertunainya hajat sendiri, seperti sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Siapa yang menunaikan hajat saudaranya maka Allah akan menunaikan hajatnya…” (Riwayat Muslim)

8.Banyak berselawat
Ada hadis yang menganjurkan berselawat jika hajat atau cita-cita tidak tertunai kerana selawat itu dapat menghilangkan kesusahan,kesedihan, dan kesukaran serta meluaskan rezeki dan menyebabkan terlaksananya semua hajat. Wallahu a’lam.

9.Buat kebajikan banyak-banyak
Ibnu Abbas berkata:
“Sesungguhnya kebajikan itu memberi cahaya kepada hati, kemurahan rezeki, kekuatan jasad dan disayangi oleh makhluk yang lain.Manakala kejahatan pula boleh menggelapkan rupa, menggelapkan hati, melemahkan tubuh, sempit rezeki dan makhluk lain mengutuknya.”

Menurut Rasulullah s.a.w., berpagi-pagi (memulakan aktiviti hariansebaik-baik selesai solat Subuh berjemaah) adalah amalan yang berkat.

11.Menjalin silaturrahim
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Barang siapa ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilambatkan ajalnya maka hendaklah dia menghubungi sanak-saudaranya.” (Riwayat Bukhari)

12.Melazimi kekal berwuduk
Seorang Arab desa menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. dan meminta pedoman mengenai beberapa perkara termasuk mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah . Baginda s.a.w. bersabda:
“Sentiasalah berada dalam keadaan bersih (dari hadas) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki.” (Diriwayatkan daripada Sayidina Khalid al-Walid)

Sedekah mengundang rahmat Allah dan menjadi sebab Allah buka pintu rezeki. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda kepada Zubair bin al-Awwam:
“Hai Zubair, ketahuilah bahawa kunci rezeki hamba itu ditentang Arasy, yang dikirim oleh Allah azza wajalla kepada setiap hamba sekadar nafkahnya. Maka siapa yang membanyakkan pemberian kepada orang lain, nescaya Allah membanyakkan baginya. Dan siapa yang menyedikitkan, nescaya Allah menyedikitkan baginya.” (Riwayat ad-Daruquthni dari Anas r.a.)

14.Melazimi solat malam (tahajud)
Ada keterangan bahawa amalan solat tahajjud memudahkan memperoleh rezeki, menjadi sebab seseorang itu dipercayai dan dihormati orang dan doanya dimakbulkan Allah

15.Melazimi solat Dhuha
Amalan solat Dhuha yang dibuat waktu orang sedang sibuk dengan urusan dunia (aktiviti harian), juga mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Firman Allah dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat pada waktu permulaan siang (solat Dhuha), nanti pasti akan Aku cukupkan keperluanmu pada petang harinya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan Thabrani)

16.Bersyukur kepada Allah
Syukur ertinya mengakui segala pemberian dan nikmat dari Allah . Lawannya adalah kufur nikmat. Allah berfirman:
“Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya Aku tambahi nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan demi sesungguhnya jika kamu kufur, sesungguhnya azab-Ku amat keras.” (Ibrahim: 7) Firman-Nya lagi: “… dan Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur.” (Ali Imran: 145)

17.Mengamalkan zikir dan bacaan ayat Quran tertentu
Zikir dari ayat-ayat al-Quran atau asma’ul husna selain menenangkan, menjenihkan dan melunakkan hati, ia mengandungi fadilat khusus untuk keluasan ilmu, terbukanya pintu hidayah, dimudahkan faham agama, diberi kemanisan iman dan dilapangkan rezeki. Misalnya, dua ayat terakhir surah at-Taubah (ayat 128-129) jika dibaca secara konsisten tujuh kali setiap kali lepas solat, dikatakan boleh menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan kehidupan dan murahkan rezeki. Salah satu nama Allah , al-Fattah (Maha Membukakan) dikatakan dapat
menjadi sebab dibukakan pintu rezeki jika diwiridkan selalu;
misalnya dibaca “Ya Allah ya Fattah” berulang-ulang, diiringi
doa: “Ya Allah , bukalah hati kami untuk mengenali-Mu,bukalah
pintu rahmat dan keampunan-Mu, ya Fattah ya `Alim.” Ada juga hadis menyebut, siapa amalkan baca surah al-Waqi’ah setiap malam, diatidak akan ditimpa kepapaan. Wallahu a’lam.

Berdoa menjadikan seorang hamba dekat dengan Allah , penuh bergantung dan mengharap pada rahmat dan pemberian dari-Nya. Dalam al-Quran, Allah suruh kita meminta kepada-Nya, nescaya Dia akan perkenankan.

19.Berikhtiar sehabisnya
Siapa berusaha, dia akan dapat. Ini sunnatullah. Dalam satu hadis sahih dikatakan bahawa Allah berikan dunia kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya dan yang tidak dicintai-Nya, tapi agama hanya Allah
beri kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya saja. (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan al-Hakim)
Bagi orang beriman, tentulah dia perlu mencari sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada murah rezeki dalam skop yang luas. Misalnya,hendak tenang dibacanya Quran, hendak dapat anak yang baik dididiknya sejak anak dalam rahim lagi, hendak sihat dijaganya pemakanan dan makan yang baik dan halal, hendak dapat jiran yang baik dia sendiri berusaha jadi baik, hendak rezeki berkat dijauhinya yang haram, dan sebagainya.

Dengan tawakal, seseorang itu akan direzekikan rasa kaya dengan Allah . Firman-Nya:
“Barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah , nescaya Allah mencukupkan(keperluannya) .” (At-Thalaq: 3)

Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: “Seandainya kamu bertawakal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakal, nescaya kamu diberi rezeki seperti burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (Riwayat Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim dari Umar bin al-Khattabr.a.)
Kesemua yang disebut di atas adalah amalan-amalan yang membawa kepada takwa. Dengan takwa, Allah akan beri “jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkan) , dan memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya.” (At-Talaq: 2-3)

Pendek kata, bagi orang Islam, untuk murah rezeki dalam ertikata yang sebenarnya, kuncinya adalah buat amalan-amalan takwa. Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab jatuhnya kasih sayang Allah , lalu Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya.