Well some advice is better then none? But I guess we all know whats comingown the road. I had personal experience during the 97/98 period. Sotake heed and play the cautious tune.
Hello guys,
Tan Sri Nathan has just sent me this mail. I guess he would know as heprobably owns half of the properties in KL hahahaha! But anyway it isprudent to take heed.
Recession is coming...... ......... ......... ..make your own judgment,don't pani c !! Do what is wise.
The recession looks very eminent. It is really time to take pro activesteps to avoid a painful time in the next two years which is how long therecession is expected to last.
1. Don't take any loans, buy homes, properties with loans, or evencash. Keep as much cash as possible.
2. Pay off as much of personal loans, private loans, as debt collectionwill be hastened.
3. Sell any stocks you can even at lower prices.
4. Take money off from Trust Funds.
5. Don't believe in huge sales forecast from customers, be extremelyprudent, lowest inventories, reduce liabilities.
6. Don't invest in new capital.
7. If you are selling homes/ properties/ cars , do it now, when you canget good prices, they are going to fall.
8. Don't invest in new business proposals.
9. Cancel holiday plans using credit cards.
10. Don't change jobs, as companies will retrench based on 'last infirst out'.
Stay cool, wait, and if you took all of the above actions and more, youprobably will be better off then many.
This is not a rumor. Bear Stearns is the first of many banking and financialinstitutions that will start falling in the not too future. If Bear Stearnscan fall,so can JP Morgan,Citibank, HSBC, and the whole world. US economyfalls, the rest will crumble. India and all those self economies will be themost protected, but not gullible. Europe may be a little stronger, but notChina, another giant! Malaysia will see significant impact.
This is my personal message to my friends, so if you want to, you canforward this to your friends, but I will not be held liable for anyincorrect assumptions.
...the novelty that keeps your money growing ! - email dari nenie..
tul tu seme tips tu aku pernah dgr dpd bos financial consultant aku ckp...yg paling terngiyang2 kt telinga aku dia ckp Keep as much cash as possible....hehehe
mase tu aku mengadu masalah aku hutang bnyk kat dia aku takleh nk bergerak cr org .. jam..duit dalam poket tak ader...
dia kate...jual you pny rmh byr seme utang than, keep as much cash as possible... dia ckp masa ekonomi jatuh nanti peluang akan datang..maser tu la penting nyer cash yg banyak...sbb kita mampu grab peluang2 tu..cth share jatuh bole beli harga yg murah, rmh tergadai dijual pada harga yg murah..
azizi ali pun pernah kate maser tahun 1998 tu dia muncul jd jutawan...aku gaser mgkin time tu dia dah ada persediaan cash yg byk...byak business man gulung tikar tp dia muncul sbg jutawan yg baru.... mase aku g course dia tu dia pernah citer dia beli apartment/condo kat bangsar sri penaga masa resesion tu around rm400k...selang 1 year harga dia naik 1M ...pergh...dalam mase setahun jer leh wat duit lebeih kurang 600K...
bos financial consultant aku ckp..now dia dah jual tanah dia kat raub..dia tgh kumpul cash..skrg ekon m'sia tak stabil pasal politik.....ekon U.s pasal sub prima..ekon global plak minyak naik rege....ari sebtu aritu aku bc saham dunia jatuh... bos insurance aku ckp aritu kemungkinan ekonomi dunia akan jatuh lebih teruk slps olympik beijing nnti...
mamat tu pernah pakai merdz tp aritu aku jumpa dia pakai pegueot jerk...so aku rase dia pernah naik b4 thn98 dan pernah jatuh slps 98.....sbb dia main saham...so mamat ni aku buget nak try bangun sml through from his xperience..
so x mustahil la article ni.. tan sri nathan tu boleh own properties half of kl...
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